Dimitri DUBOIS
Ph.D in Economics - CNRS Research Engineer
Center for Environmental Economics - Montpellier (CEE-M)
Deputy Director of CEE-M
Lab Manager of the Experimental Economics Lab of Montpellier (LEEM)
Head of the University Diploma "Connaissances Fondamentales en Informatique avec des Logiciels Libres" (CFI2L)
Member of the Ethic Committee of CNRS - Humanities and Social Sciences
Co-organizer of the BEE - Behavioural and Experimental Economics Seminar
Co-founder of the research-action network Behavioral-Project.
Member of the board of the French Experimental Economics Association (ASFEE)
Member of the council of the Doctoral School "Economics and Management" of the University of Montpellier (EDEG)